Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting around picky eaters.

I wasn't kidding the other day when I said I LOVE breakfast! Yesterday my children at about 11 decided they were hungry again. I asked them what they'd like to eat for lunch and my son started asking for waffles...for lunch. Some abnormal easy-going-ness came over me and I said, OK! Parker's jaw dropped for a split second until he started to jump up and down and shout for joy! Over and over and over! Confession: Usually I'm a little more by the book and a little less spontaneous, as you probably gathered by my sons reaction.

So I pulled out the waffle iron and went to work. This was my end result.

1 1/2 c whole wheat flour
2 tbsp stevia
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
1/3 oil of choice
1 egg
1 1/2 c luke-warm milk
2 tsp vanilla

Combine wet ingredients in one bowl, dry ingredients in another bowl then combine wet with dry. Blend well then cook in waffle iron until golden brown.

It's the topping creations that make it so much fun. Our fridge is loaded with strawberries currently because we have been making jam. So I topped my whole wheat waffle with raw maple almond butter and a few fresh strawberry slices and homemade clean strawberry syrup. Strawberry syrup can be made by slicing and boiling down the berries with a touch of water in a pot and adding agave nectar, honey, or stevia until you find the sweetness you desire. You can also make a raw uncooked berry purée by throwing the same ingredients in a food processor or blender. Yummmy!

My daughter went the peanut butter, banana, and honey route on her waffle, while my son skipped the nut butter all together and just wanted the strawberry syrup and slices. Blueberry or raspberry syrup would be pretty bomb too! Get creative with the fruit topping!

Best part is I didn't feel in any way guilty treating my kids to this for lunch. They got a healthy whole foods meal which included grains, fiber, protein, and antioxidant loaded fruit using zero table sugar or refined flour- so why should I feel guilty?! This brightened there day which always brightens Mommy's day! 
So all you Mommy's with picky children (or husbands for that matter), get creative, get sneaky, do something out of the ordinary and when they scarf it down without hesitation: that's the time to do some educating. For kids, talk about how big and strong they're going to grow because of the healthy food they're eating. Explain that fruit helps prevent them from getting sick. It's kind of like positive reinforcement. Get excited when they eat healthily...and I mean get over exaggeratedly loud and jump and dance and sing ridiculous happy songs kind of excited. That excitement for healthy eating will rub off.  Parker used to be that picky eater...if it wasn't gummies, Cheetos, or mac and cheese he didn't want it. Now he'll at least nibble on foods he doesn't particularly care for without a fight because he wants to be strong and healthy (he's also terrified of the doctors, so I kind of used the whole "you don't want to get sick and go to the doctors do you.." to my benefit when we first started our healthy eating adventure). Stay consistent..if other unhealthy options are readily available then naturally they'll opt for those choices. They'll over time adapt to the newly introduced tastes and they'll be a lot healthier and happier- as will you, because no mother likes a grumpy sickly child, or a sugar crashing meltdown. My son is now known for opting out of that piece of candy or cupcake completely on his own...the less sugar they consume the less they crave it. Proof that in time it does pay off. That's just a few of my own tips that have worked for my kids, let me know what worked for your children! Stay tuned for a blog in the not so distant future on some of the snack alternatives we use around here to keep snack time healthy and fun!

Strawberries are loaded with fiber and antioxidants (particularly vitamin C) which boosts immune system, regulates digestion, and blood pressure. Strawberries are a natural anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory (which can work wonders for those with ailments such as arthritis). Then to top it off they also contain maganese, potassium, vitamin K, and magnesium which all promote bone health as well. Moral of the story: Eat your strawberries!

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